onsdag, juli 11, 2007


Jag som aldrig kan motstå tester gjorde Accurate Personality Test, som går ut på att man klickar på de färger man tycker känns mest tilltalande för tillfället. Kräver dock installation på datorn, så det är lite bökigt att göra. Så här gick det i alla fall med de smaskigaste utdragen:

You are afraid to be deprived and left behind, to encounter a sudden resistance, and to be put in a non-beneficial position. Non-realization of hopes and the inability to decide on necessary remedial action has resulted in considerable stress.

You are suffering because of your inability to establish a harmonious cordial relationship which would guarantee you a sincere heartfelt attachment. As a result, you feel exhausted and incapable to enter a cordial relationship.

You feel cut off from the others, fenced off from friends and family, and unhappy because the harmony in your relationships with them is missing, there is no aspiration for cooperation, no trust, no understanding you are striving after.

He* is being subjected to considerable pressure and wants to escape from it so that he can obtain what he needs, but tends to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this.

Japp, precis så är det!

* Lite mysko att de byter från första person till tredje person helt plötsligt, men det har säkert något med tekniken att göra; det brukar ha det!

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